
Outbreak: Shades of Horror - Next-Gen Retro Survival Horror

Created by Dead Drop Studios

Survive the opening hours of an undead outbreak alongside a wide cast of survivors in this online co-op retro survival horror nightmare

Latest Updates from Our Project:

40% Funded!
about 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 01, 2022 at 04:31:39 PM

Hey Survivors! 

We are now at 40% funded! 

As always, we are deeply grateful for your contribution to our vision!  

We have received  a lot of fantastic feedback about rewards tiers and add ons from you our fans, that we were able to translate in to a reality and we are glad to see that you like them!

A couple of reminders:

Evan will be streaming tonight starting at 7 EST on our Twitch Channel.

Jeremy Campbell Of Limited Run Games will be on a as a guest streamer  (Fun Fact: He is the voice of David in the Playable Teaser!) and they will be playing The Outbreak: Shades of Horror Playable Teaser and Resident Evil: Outbreak. 

If you haven't already, be sure to sign up for our Launch Day Giveaway! That will be closing on Monday, So be sure to get your entries in now! 

Super thank you to the person who pointed out, the giveaway had the wrong time! I will fix that ASAP!

Keep on Survivin'

Julia and Evan

Day 2! New Reward Tier and add ons!
about 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 01, 2022 at 02:49:39 PM

Hey Survivors! Welcome to Day 2! 

We are still moving at good pace! We may just get through this! Thank you again to everyone who has backed or is considering backing. Your support means the world to us!

You survivors have not been shy about what you want on the discord, and we devs have been listening!

A la carte add ons for some of the options in the more expensive tiers was a repeatedly mentioned option , so we have added the following add ons for you to customize your kit!

  • Name a pre-existing playable survivor 
  • Dinner with the devs 
  • Design a questline
  • VIP Launch Party ticket
  • Become a Playable Survivor 

In addition, we have a new add on, Tag the Outbreak, which allows you to craft messages to be sprawled on the wall of Cypress Ridge to help or hinder as players make there way through the city!

We have also added Become a Playable Survivor as it's own reward tier, where you will have the option with working with us to create your own, unique survivor in the outbreak. See our campaign page for further details!

Evan has received some feedback on his streams that the 7 pm EST time does not work for our European backers, as such we will be adding a 1pm EST stream time (starting today, 9/1)  as well, so you don't miss out on all the retro fun and Q &A!

If you haven't already, please sign up for our launch giveaway, ending Monday!

Launch Giveaway!

Keep on surviving and let's get the Outbreak Funded!

Evan and Julia

20% Funded and limited time add ons
about 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 01, 2022 at 02:36:32 AM

Hi Survivors!

So we are ten hours in now, and 20% funded! We are super excited to see such great turnout in just a few hours since the last update! 

There has been a lot of chatter on the discord  regarding the NPC tier. For those of you not in the loop, people have been requesting to add on the ability to create an NPC in addition to creating and item or a enemy. You spoke and we listened,  we have added a limited number  of "Create an NPC" add ons. 

If you've been waiting for something special to come along to back, this is the time to pull the trigger! And of course, if you have already backed us, you can update your pledge to include the new add on. 

We have a limited number of these,  so get 'em before they are all devoured.

A reminder that Evan is streaming on our twitch channel everyday this week starting at 7pm EST, so if you have questions about the Kickstarter or just want to see a guy play cool vintage games come check us out! Link below!

Dead Drop Studios Twitch Channel!

2 hours in!
about 2 years ago – Wed, Aug 31, 2022 at 03:20:59 PM

Hi Survivors!

We are 2 hours into our campaign, and we are 12% of the way funded! It's a great start!

Thank you so much for all your donations and kind words, it really means the world to us!

We are happy to announce a launch day giveaway to show our appreciation! For our PS4 fans, old and new, we are offering a signed physical copy of The Outbreak Collection for the PS4 that was created by Limited Run Games last year and as a bonus, we have a travel mug of Lydia surviving in style!

Please click on the link below to enter:

Signed copy of The Outbreak Collection on PS4 + Mug giveaway!

If we can get to 1,130 twitter followers by Monday when the giveaway ends, we will release one of the all-new level locations in the game!

Let’s unleash the horror together!

-Evan and Julia